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Alkaline Water Reduces Skin Inflammation and celluloids.

Reduced Skin Inflammation

Drinking alkaline water is said to help neutralize acid in the body, which can reduce inflammation. Inflammation is linked to conditions such as asthma and Crohn’s disease. It is also believed to be an underlying cause of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. The alleged benefits of drinking alkaline water include improved hydration, reduced acid reflux symptoms, healthier bones and enhanced circulation. However, the water should be consumed in moderation and paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

When ionized, alkaline water has smaller molecules that are more easily absorbed by the body. This can improve hydration, which is vital for maintaining healthy skin and reducing wrinkles. It is also believed to stabilize free radicals that can damage the body and accelerate aging.

Alkaline water is typically filtered, ionized and re-mineralized before it is sold. It can be purchased at many grocery stores or online, or made at home with a water ionizer machine. Some brands may also add pH drops or baking soda to make the water more alkaline.

While the claims of alkaline water are attractive, scientific research doesn’t always back them up. The human body naturally maintains a balanced pH level, so skewing the balance with acidic or alkaline water can do more harm than good.

Besides causing an imbalance in the body, excess acidity can cause several health problems including heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle loss and low energy. It can also lead to high blood sugar, gout and rashes.

It is also believed that drinking alkaline water can improve hydration, which is important for maintaining healthy skin. It can also reduce acid reflux symptoms and boost immune function. It is also thought to be an effective hydrator for athletes and those who suffer from chronic dehydration.

The main reason why people are drawn to alkaline water is its supposed ability to treat a range of ailments, from acne to arthritis and even cancer. The alleged benefits of the water are often based on research done on animals or test tubes, and do not necessarily apply to humans.

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